Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 3, 4 & 5

6:30am has been getting easier to get up for... but then again I am going to be around 9ish. I have been feeling good though!

Day 3 - Monday's class was great, there were just a few of us but it went really well.

Day 4 - Tuesdays class was ok, it was a bit to beginner-ish for me and it wasn't terribly hot so I didn't sweat as much as normal.

Day 5 - Today's class was so stressful for me. The instructor talked non stop and very quickly. She also does that yogi speak which is hard to figure out unless you look up to see what's going on. She scolded me once for not doing a pose properly... urghhh... Also I felt it was like Catholic Mass - up, down, up, down... She had us flow at first and then she did all these weird floor things and then had us rest, get up and do something, rest... It was frustrating for me.

Shake it off... Tomorrow will be better.

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