Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 1 - Hot Yoga Begins

I've been doing hot yoga for a few weeks now and completely thought I would hate it... Quite the opposite, I love it! It's hot, yes. It's tough, yes. However, I feel so great and "clean" after it's over. By "clean" I mean it's such a clean sweat so my skins literally is glowing.

I decided a few weeks ago to try the 30 day challenge (I had heard about it from a co-worker) - so what that means is I go to yoga everyday for 30 days. Supposedly it will make me feel amazing. So, I am giving it a try.

I have been going to a new yoga studio in Greenlake called I Love Hot Yoga and plan to do my challenge there.

Day 1: I went to their 10am hour long power yoga class (which is the class I plan to do for 30 days). Before class I eat a piece of toast with peanut butter and drink some water so I don't go in their dehydrated. If you are wondering, I bring my yoga mat, a large towel to lay on my mat as it gets slippery and a hand towel to wipe my face. I also bring a large Nalgene bottle of water and tend to drink all of it or almost all of it by the end of class.

So back to class... Today we were asked what areas we wanted to foucs on, I said hips, some guy said abs and another woman said arm strength. For the hour we flowed in and out of poses and strengthening exercises. I sweated profusely. I checked the thermostat a few times and at one point it said 104 but at the end of class it said 106 - it was hot!

The owner of the studio offered to take my measurements tomorrow when I told him I was doing the 30 day challenge, so I will post those tomorrow so I can track my progress.

I have my schedule set for when I plan to attend classes... I feel ready! (This picture was taken at the end of class... yep, sweaty...)

Till tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome, Tarah! I've been into hot yoga since I moved to SD about a year ago & it's changed my life (honestly). I love the concept of the 30-day challenge and now I want to try it, but I've always heard that you are supposed to let your body rest a day or so between classes? Are you supposeed to switch up levels of intensity for each class? Nice work, looking forward to reading up on your success:)
