Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 24

Today is the 24th day of my 30 day challenge... and that means it is almost over. I decided today to post the negatives and positives I have encountered with my challenge.

As you should know I do a 6:30am class everyday and then afternoon classes on the weekend. So these negatives would probably be different for someone else, they are just my own personal negatives.

1. Washing my hair every single day (I tend to normally skip a day but now can't due to the sweating so much)
2. My car smells like sweat (Thank God for Fe-breeze!)
3. Water bill is a weeeee bit higher this month
4. More laundry being done
5. Not fixing my hair at all and no hair product b/c if I did it would just run into my face the next morning

I think that is about it...

Now for positives:

1. Feeling stronger
2. Went down a size (or so I think)
3. My workout is an hour and done early in the day
4. Makes me think about what I am eating more as I don't want this be all for nothing
5. Skin looks good
6. Much better at yoga and the poses
7. Can actually do a back bend (wheel)
8. I do every single thing asked of me and sometimes even take the harder modification
9. Just feel great in general
10. Taking care of my body and it knows it!

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