Monday, August 31, 2009

The 30 Day Wrap-up

So, yesterday was my final day of the challenge and I am happy to report that I DID IT! I went everyday for 30 days and I feel fantastic!

I measured myself and I did see some results:
Arms - no change yet they feel stronger and look firmer
Neck - no change
Thighs - actually got a bit bigger 1-2 inches but then again they feel stronger and more muscular
Calves - smaller by .5"
Stomach - smaller by 1.5"
Chest - smaller by .5" (yikes!)
Hips/Butt - smaller by 3" - WOOHOO!! I actually went down a whole pant size.
Head - no change

So, if you're thinking of doing this I would recommend it!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 26

4 days to go, I can't believe it's almost over. I'm happy and I'm sad about it. Happy to be able to sleep in a bit but sad that I won't be so rigorous about something so good for me.

I do plan to continue going to hot yoga, no doubt about that! I will probably even go a few mornings as that has made this so easy... Having to work my life around this for 30 days would have been hard. Fitting it into my mornings when I'd be sleeping otherwise really worked out.

I did have my least favorite class today and will again tomorrow but I am powering through it! 4 DAYS TO GO!

I was thinking of going on the 31st just to finish out the month... Haven't decided yet. I do like that teacher alot but then having a Monday to sleep in sound delightful... I dunno... I may just do it! The 31 day yoga challenge.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 24

Today is the 24th day of my 30 day challenge... and that means it is almost over. I decided today to post the negatives and positives I have encountered with my challenge.

As you should know I do a 6:30am class everyday and then afternoon classes on the weekend. So these negatives would probably be different for someone else, they are just my own personal negatives.

1. Washing my hair every single day (I tend to normally skip a day but now can't due to the sweating so much)
2. My car smells like sweat (Thank God for Fe-breeze!)
3. Water bill is a weeeee bit higher this month
4. More laundry being done
5. Not fixing my hair at all and no hair product b/c if I did it would just run into my face the next morning

I think that is about it...

Now for positives:

1. Feeling stronger
2. Went down a size (or so I think)
3. My workout is an hour and done early in the day
4. Makes me think about what I am eating more as I don't want this be all for nothing
5. Skin looks good
6. Much better at yoga and the poses
7. Can actually do a back bend (wheel)
8. I do every single thing asked of me and sometimes even take the harder modification
9. Just feel great in general
10. Taking care of my body and it knows it!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 20 - 10 days to go!

Today was my least favorite instructor day but I woke up easily and made it there with a few minutes to spare.

I have mentioned before why I dislike this woman but today her class was beyond easy. I really feel like she is teaching a pregnant yoga class for non pregnant people. I sweated for the first 10 min and the rest was just so lazy and ridiculous... Sorry to be so negative but it frustrates me to have such an easy class when all the rest ROCK! Oh well, I guess the plus side is I kind of got a day off... eh...

Anyways, I have 10 days to go (YAY!) and I am anxious to see if any inches did come off. I bought a new pair of pants the other day and did buy the next size down and they felt good one me, not tight at all. :)

I do look forward to getting back into running and the gym but I will continue to go to these classes as I love it! I love the heat, I love the flow - it's just so great!

One thing I don't feel I am getting a lot of with yoga is working the arm muscles on the back of my arm and hardcore ab work... I will be working on those after this is over. I guess I could ask the instructors if there are poses to help those areas... We do ab work but it seems to be less effective lately as I was sore at first and now that has gone away... I'll inquire!

Monday, August 17, 2009

A little over half way done...

Today is day 17 and I'm feeling good. I feel strong, I feel good, my skin looks somewhat clear...

Todays class was hard, being Monday and all, but I did it.

In 13 more days this challenge will be over - I am curious to see how my measurements have changed (Oh, how I hope they have changed!)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 12

Sorry I haven't been blogging much but it's pretty much been the same thing every day. Get up at 5:45, head to yoga at 6:30am, hour of power flow, head home shower and then off to work to start the day.

One recent development that has brought me back to my blog is that it seems I have allowed my self to get a bit dehydrated... The reason I found this out was by a painful charley horse that woke me up at 1:26am one night. I have never had one of those while sleeping and after mentioning it to several people it seems to be somewhat common for some people. To those people I say "Man, that sucks!" I am happy to say this is not a common occurrence for me, I have only had a few in my life and they have always happened while swimming as I kicked to hard (strenuous exercise)...

I decided to google it and found out that it can happen in your sleep from dehydration or low potassium. The obvious cures being bananas and water. So, I have been eating my bananas and trying to amp up the drinking of the water... I can honestly say bananas are not my favorite fruit.

It makes sense really, I have been sweating way more than normal so why wouldn't I get dehydrated... I'm not drinking more water than normal. So tip for hot yoga: DRINK LOTS OF WATER!

I've gotten to know a few of the yoga ladies names and a lot of the staff know about my 30 day challenge so they ask me what day I am on here and there. It's nice. Tip for hot yoga #2: Tell people you are going to do it and then you feel obligated to see it through. Trust me there are days I just wanna stay in bed and go tomorrow... I don't though! I just imagine people saying "we knew she couldn't do it..." But I CAN!

18 days to go!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 3, 4 & 5

6:30am has been getting easier to get up for... but then again I am going to be around 9ish. I have been feeling good though!

Day 3 - Monday's class was great, there were just a few of us but it went really well.

Day 4 - Tuesdays class was ok, it was a bit to beginner-ish for me and it wasn't terribly hot so I didn't sweat as much as normal.

Day 5 - Today's class was so stressful for me. The instructor talked non stop and very quickly. She also does that yogi speak which is hard to figure out unless you look up to see what's going on. She scolded me once for not doing a pose properly... urghhh... Also I felt it was like Catholic Mass - up, down, up, down... She had us flow at first and then she did all these weird floor things and then had us rest, get up and do something, rest... It was frustrating for me.

Shake it off... Tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 2 - 28 days to go...

Today I went to the noon class and for the first time ever it was just me and one other person. It was a good class as the instructor paid a bit more attention to our poses and did a few adjustments.

My abs are pretty sore from yesterdays class which I noticed when I asked if we could work on them...

The owner took my measurements after class so we can see if there is any change at the end of the 30 days... Here's to hoping! ;)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What is Hot Yoga?

A few folks have asked me this so I googled it and this is the definition that came up from Wikipedia:

Bikram's Yoga, also known as Hot Yoga, or "Fire Yoga" is a style of yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury and a Los Angeles, California based company.[1] Bikram Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F (40.5°C) with a humidity of 40%. Classes are guided by specific dialogue including 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Classes last approximately 90 minutes. Beginners may take Bikram's yoga classes.

Choudhury lives in Beverly Hills and teaches at his self-founded Bikram's Yoga College of India in Los Angeles. Before emigrating to the United States, Bikram was trained at the Bishnu Ghosh school in Calcutta, India.[2] Bikram holds a U.S. copyright on his yoga, and yoga instructors must undergo a training and certification process to teach it.[3] Bikram has over 500 studios throughout the world, and there are still new studios opening up regularly.[4]

The class I have been taking is just 60 minutes Power Yoga which is a flow class. I prefer that style of yoga versus holding poses for a certain length of time. It's just a personal preference.

Day 1 - Hot Yoga Begins

I've been doing hot yoga for a few weeks now and completely thought I would hate it... Quite the opposite, I love it! It's hot, yes. It's tough, yes. However, I feel so great and "clean" after it's over. By "clean" I mean it's such a clean sweat so my skins literally is glowing.

I decided a few weeks ago to try the 30 day challenge (I had heard about it from a co-worker) - so what that means is I go to yoga everyday for 30 days. Supposedly it will make me feel amazing. So, I am giving it a try.

I have been going to a new yoga studio in Greenlake called I Love Hot Yoga and plan to do my challenge there.

Day 1: I went to their 10am hour long power yoga class (which is the class I plan to do for 30 days). Before class I eat a piece of toast with peanut butter and drink some water so I don't go in their dehydrated. If you are wondering, I bring my yoga mat, a large towel to lay on my mat as it gets slippery and a hand towel to wipe my face. I also bring a large Nalgene bottle of water and tend to drink all of it or almost all of it by the end of class.

So back to class... Today we were asked what areas we wanted to foucs on, I said hips, some guy said abs and another woman said arm strength. For the hour we flowed in and out of poses and strengthening exercises. I sweated profusely. I checked the thermostat a few times and at one point it said 104 but at the end of class it said 106 - it was hot!

The owner of the studio offered to take my measurements tomorrow when I told him I was doing the 30 day challenge, so I will post those tomorrow so I can track my progress.

I have my schedule set for when I plan to attend classes... I feel ready! (This picture was taken at the end of class... yep, sweaty...)

Till tomorrow...